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Restorative Dentistry

Silver Diamine Fluoride 

Silver diamine fluoride (SDF) is a liquid substance used to help prevent tooth cavities (or caries) from forming, growing, or spreading to other teeth. Cotton or gauze is placed near the affected teeth to prevent saliva from moistening the teeth. Moisture is removed from the surface of the teeth using a vacuum suction tool. SDF is applied to the area affected by a cavity.


Depending on the size of the cavity, we will numb the area using local anesthesia and place a rubber dam to protect your child's airway. We then remove the cavity, clean the tooth, and fill the tooth with a tooth-colored composite material.

Stainless Steel Crowns / Zirconia (White) Crowns


Stainless Steel Crowns / Zirconia (White) Crowns

Crowns are used in cases where a cavity has affected so much tooth structure that filling material cannot be used to repair the tooth. We offer several types of crowns depending on the location of the cavity. For the front teeth, we have white crowns and for the back teeth, we have stainless steel crowns.


Nerve Treatment

Very large cavities and dental trauma can result in tooth aches and nerve irritation or infection. If a cavity has affected the nerve, we will clean out the infected part of the nerve, place an antibacterial medicine on the remaining nerve structure and finally place a protective filling over the nerve. Once a tooth has had nerve treatment it is weakened and must usually have a crown placed over it to protect it.


Please contact us for a complete explanation of all treatment options.

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