Hi! My name is Dr. Steve Chan
We’ve been thoroughly blessed in my 35 year career in dentistry. We’ve been complimented by parents who allow us to share their babies’ experience with oral health. We’ve fondly watched our babies grow up. We’re flattered when those babies – now bring their babies – back to us.
I’m a third generation native Californian. I grew up in the sleepy town of Los Angeles. After graduating from UCLA, I traveled to the other side of the country – to earn my dental degree at Georgetown University in Washington DC.I went for further residency training in hospital dentistry at a major trauma center in LA, and completed a second residency in pediatric dentistry. I found my calling.
I’ve served on the hospital staffs of Children’s Hospital (Oakland), Kaiser Hospital (Hayward, Fremont), and Washington Hospital (Fremont).
In my profession, I served as President of the Southern Alameda County Dental Society, the California Dental Association, and the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry. I now serve as Vice President of the national American College of Dentists, the prestigious honor society for my profession. I matriculated in a Leadership Institute at the Kellogg School of Graduate Management, Chicago.
Gardening, musical theatre, fine dining, trap shooting, hiking, and reading fills the composure time in between.